Tuesday, February 17, 2009

The 81st Annual Academy Awards This Sunday

If you are a movie fan, you won't want to miss the 81st Annual Academy Awards show--otherwise known as the Oscars.

The show airs this Sunday, Feb. 22 at 8pm EST (that's 5pm PST) on ABC.

To get all the official buzz, check out the Oscars website

Whether your favorite part is the red carpet before hand and getting a peak at all the fantastic looking folks in even better gowns (well, some are better looking!) or the announcing of the winners of Best Actor, Best Actress or Best Picture--or perhaps one of the other categories, whether for supporting actors or director, etc--or maybe you like hearing the thank you speeches and see the reactions of the winners.

Have you watched all the movies before hand--and have your own ballot in hand ready to compare notes with the Academy?

Or do you wait and see who wins and then choose the movies you will watch based on the results?

See some of the highlights of past Academy Awards shows--since it's inception in 1927 there have been many, many memorable moments.

Here is a list of all the nominees! (Note: clicking the links will take you away from this blog...just hit the back button to return!)

Original Screenplay